Created: 25th August, 2015

Jamaican song

Little toad little toad mind yourself
mind yourself let me plant my corn
plant my corn to feed my horse
feed my horse to run my race – the sea is full of more than I know
moon is bright like night time sun
night is dark like all eyes shut

Mind – mind yu not harmed
somody know bout yu
somody know bout yu

Little toad little toad mind yourself
mind yourself let me build my house
build my house to be at home
be at home till I one day vanish -the sea is full of more than I know
moon is bright like night time sun
night is dark like all eyes shut

Mind – mind yu not harmed
sombody know bout yu
sombody know bout yu

From Only One of Me. 

Why not try...
  • Creating your own music for this song.


James Berry - Jamaican Song
