Created: 14th February, 2020

Danger is Everywhere: A Handbook for Avoiding Danger

Author: David O'Doherty
Illustrator: Chris Judge
Publisher: Puffin

A comic compendium full of quirky instructions and warnings on how to avoid danger and become a dangerologist. Purportedly written by Docter (definitely not Doctor) Noel Zone with help from his neighbours who are better known as a comedian and an illustrator. The format of a handbook could encourage children to create their own on a subject that appeals to them, using a humorous tone as in this book or a more seriously factual one! The layout of short chunks of text interspersed with black and white drawings enables readers, including those who are less confident, to dip in and out.

Also: Danger is Still Everywhere: Beware of the Dog (9780141359205), Puffin £7.99

Danger Really is Everywhere: School of Danger (9780141371108), Puffin £7.99