Teaching Reading – one day, whole school INSET
This INSET day training provides Teachers and Teaching Assistants with essential subject knowledge and understanding of how to support children’s progress and development in reading. The day is highly practical and will support teachers to plan for increased engagement and attainment in reading across the Primary Years.
Throughout the day, we will highlight the vital role quality children’s literature plays in supporting the journey of progression in reading, developing confident, competent and motivated readers. Participants will learn how to build a sequence of activities around core texts, targeting specific skills and strategies to improve word reading, develop fluency, build stamina and deepen comprehension.
As well as research-led insights from experts in teaching reading, participants will receive a detailed digital handout and planning grids so that they can implement ideas from the course immediately in their own classrooms.
The training day will focus on the following key areas:
- Understanding the Reading Journey
- Why Quality Texts Matter When Teaching Reading
- Knowing and Planning for Your Own Readers
- Working with a Quality Text to Teach Early Readers
- Working with a Quality Text to Teach Independent Readers
Individual schools wishing to partake in INSET days will have the option to select a date focused on this area. To book, please complete our booking enquiry form