Created: 18th June, 2019

CLPE's The Power of Pictures Research Report 2019

Report on findings from the research on the CLPE Power of Pictures Project June 2019.

The Power of Pictures is a project devised by CLPE.The project began in 2013 when CLPE’s Charlotte Hacking and author Ed Vere put together a two day course for teachers designed to help teachers use picturebooks, understand the process that goes into developing a picturebook and develop meaningful relationships between authors and schools.

With a grant from the Arts Council we have developed this project involving many different author illustrators and hundreds of teachers in using picture books to support children's creative writing.

The Power of Pictures was selected for evaluation using a randomised control trial by the RSA/EEF (Royal Society of Arts and Education Endowment Foundation) as part of their Learning About Culture programme to investigate the impact of arts-based learning on academic outcomes.  The research into the Power of  Pictures programme in schools revealed progress in outcomes for literacy in all children who took part in the project and evidence of a link between creativity and drawing and writing.

Free resources to support you to implement this project in your school.

Read more about the RSA/EEF randomised control trial