

Imagery, in a literary or poetic sense, is the author's use of description and vivid language, deepening the reader's understanding of the work, by appealing to the senses.

There are different types of imagery. These include:

  • Visual imagery which refers to sights and allows the reader to visualise the subject, objects or events in the poem.
  • Auditory imagery refers to sounds and reminds the reader of common or specific sounds as a point of reference to deepen understanding.
  • Kinaesthetic imagery is related to movement and reminds the reader of body movement or positions that are familiar or imagined – such as the feeling of flying.
  • Smells and tastes can be referred to as Olfactory or Gustatory imagery respectively.
  • Tactile imagery refers to texture and feeling.

All imagery is aided through the use of other poetic devices, such as simile, metaphor, personification, onomatopoeia, etc.

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