Hey, Mum
did you know that I still remember how you showed me a conker
can sizzle in your fist
as if you're holding the whole heat of the universe?
did you know that?
did you know that when you're happy your eyes glow
like amber set in freshly fallen snow?
did you know that?
did you know that it's exactly 283 paces from the
front door to our favourite bench at the park?
did you know that?
did you know that I love it when Sunday's slow sea
washes over you and me and we drift and drift and
did you know that?
did you know that 1 hug + 2 chocolate biscuits = my
favourite kind of maths?
did you know that?
did you know that when I walk home from school
and see his car on the drive
my palms start to sweat?
did you know that?
© Matt Goodfellow from Let's Chase Stars Together (Bloomsbury)
Let's Chase Stars Together CLiPPA Teaching Sequence May 2023.pdf