Created: 24th September, 2019

An Information Evening with Ronald Ross Primary School

On Thursday 19th September, we held our second information evening at the CLPE. The event offered teachers the opportunity to learn more about the CLPE, browse our collection of 23,000 books in the Literacy Library and hear from a school who has worked with the CLPE to develop their English Curriculum to meet the needs of all their learners.

The session was led by Lead Advisory teacher, Anjali Patel, who spoke about the research-led ethos underpinning all CLPE consultancy, training and resources. Anjali outlined how a curriculum centred on high-quality texts, as advocated by our flagship programme, Power Of Reading, is key in scaffolding language development from the earliest years, and in providing children with rich learning opportunities throughout their reading and writing journeys.

Finally, teachers had the chance to hear from Jane Bunn (Literacy Lead) and Abigail Brady (Headteacher) from Ronald Ross Primary School in South London, who shared the impact Power Of Reading has had on transforming their school’s curriculum and in developing a Reading for Pleasure culture with the books and teaching approaches picked up after attending our training.

The evening was second of a series planned for 2019-2020.

Following another successful information event in Brighton on 9th October, you can book on our next information event in Croydon on 29 October, then in Barking and Dagenham on 6th November and finally in Kirkby on 18th November. These events are free but booking is essential, so book your place now.