How To Be a Lion
Author: Ed Vere
Illustrator: Ed Vere
Publisher: Puffin
LiteratureYEAR GROUP
Years 1 and 2Leonard does not conform to the stereotype of how a lion should behave. He is gentle, writes and reads poems and, most disconcertingly in the opinion of other lions, has no intention of chomping his duck friend Marianne with whom he has much in common. Leonard and Marianne go to their thinking hill and come up with an idea to show the other lions they are wrong and that there is more than one way to be, although the ending implies that there no easy answers to these questions.
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How to Be a Lion Power of Pictures Teaching Sequence EYFS.pdf
How to Be a Lion Power of Pictures Teaching Sequence KS1.pdf
How to Be a Lion Power of Pictures Teaching Sequence KS2.pdf
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How to be a Lion Teaching Notes, 2019